Monday, October 02, 2006

Computer Component Project

For this project you will assume the role of a computer consultant who is paid to recommend computers for people to purchase.

You will have three customers. Each customer will have certain requirements. You need to choose computers based on the requirements that each customer gives you.

You will select three systems (low medium and high end) for each person. You will need to explain why you chose each system and why they are good for the customer. YOU WILL BE MARKED ON HOW WELL YOU EXPLAIN THE BENEFITS OF EACH COMPONENT!

Your final project will be in the form of a printed package. Presentation will weigh hevily on your mark. Plagiarism will result in a zero with no chance of rewrite. Make sure you list the webpage for each system you chose.

The clients:

Client One: A Student entering high school wants a computer for playing games and doing homework. They are interested in music. They don't have a lot of money.

Client Two: A Teacher who wants a computer for email and marking student work. They don't want to spend any more than they have to.

Client Three: An artist wants a computer for creating video and photographs. they also want to be able to play the latest games and use the internet for VOIP.

Due 13 October.

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